Eagle Scout

Donating 5% of sales to support a Boycotts Eagle Project

We are excited to announce that we will be donating 5% of our sales to support an eagle project by Dylan. This is a great cause that we are proud to be a part of. 

Over the next few months, starting now and ending June 2023, 5% of all our sales will be donated to provide resources and support. Together with Dylan, we feel humbled and honored to contribute to the positive growth and development of this inspiring young leader. We believe strongly that investing in young people is the best way for them to grow into responsible, creative members of their communities.

What is an eagle project and the leadership skills it provides the scout.

An eagle project, which many scouts strive for, is an opportunity for youth to demonstrate that they have the leadership and organizational skills required for success. As a boy scout works through the various merit badges and levels on the way to achieving their eagle rank, they eventually work on designing and completing an eagle project. The project must be of significant scope such in service to the community or school, it is approved by the local council and has no monetary gain associated to it. By taking on such an endeavor over the course of multiple months and regularly communicating with team members and stakeholders, the scout will gain important management competencies such as learning how to motivate teammates, prioritize tasks, handle conflict and refine problem-solving skills. 

It will help support a local school by providing an area to store their equipment.

Every time you shop with us, you’re helping to support a local eagle project that supplies a school in the area with much-needed storage for equipment. Currently the equipment is hard to access or left outside where it is ravished by the sun and other natural causes. 


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