Man wearing sunglasses with "Play Like It's Your Last Game" pickleball design on shirt, featuring a flaming pickleball and reaper.

The inspiration behind the 'Play like it's your last game' design

Picture this: you're at the pickleball court, and you know it's your last match of the day. You've already given it your all, but as you line up to serve with your paddle in hand and opponents across from you, there's suddenly an extra surge of energy. In this moment, you and your partner know that it's time finish the match and crush the opponent. The spark is what inspired the 'Play like it's your last game' design. 

We created this pickleball design because Pickleball is a sport that encourages never giving up, no matter the difficulty. It's a reminder that whatever we do in our lives should always be done with the thought that it might well be our last chance. Giving it all on the court or off the court is the same. We are looking to do our best with everything we do.

The first Pickleball theme shirt I made before the brand was inspired by the loss of my brother. The front of the shirt had 'Play Like It's Your Last Game' with a pickleball underneath the text. The back of the shirt said 'May the force by with you, David' with crossing sabers. This was a difficult design to create based on the meaning and the details in the hand-drawn design. The reaper is significant, representing the passing of our family and friends. The 0-0-2 etched in the forehead is saying, we are going to continue to play regardless of what happens. The design is a reminder to give it all you have and bring your best. 


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Pickleball Streetwear