As we move into the colder months, pickleball can still be enjoyed! Whether it is a game on the outdoor courts or in an indoor arena, winter doesn’t have to stop us from playing. To ensure that you remain adequately prepared for your next pickleball match while keeping warm and comfortable during those chilly days and nights, having the right gear makes all the difference.
There are a few essential pieces of gear you should invest in if you want to stay prepared during winter pickleball. The first is a good pair of shoes. During the winter, the ground can be icy and slippery, so it's important to have a good grip on your shoes. A good pair of pickleball shoes will help you stay safe and stable while playing.
I go through shoes about every three months. My favorite brand is Wilson, because they hold up the longest, and the laces are stellar. Wilson also has a one-year limited warranty on their shoes, and they have replaced my shoes after four months of use. Check out Wilson Court Shoes.
Another essential piece of gear to keep you warm is a hoodie. During the winter, the weather is cold, so it's important to have a hoodie to keep you warm. Make sure to select a hoodie that is less baggy and has no strings. Make sure the hoodie will not restrict movement or be too baggy that the arm cuffs are getting in the way of your grip on the paddle. Playing with a stringless hoodie is ideal to ensure the strings don't get in the way. Check out the RND Streetwear hoodies.
Make sure to add a fitted cuffed beanie to your pickleball bag for lower temperatures. Some people wearing a hoodie will pull the hood over their head, which blocks some of their vision. The beanie will keep your head and ears warm and not block your vision. Check out the RND Streetwear beanies.
Other Items to bring to the court:
First Aid Kit
I always have a first-aid kit in my bag. I have used it many times, and its great to have it for others. Add this first-aid kit to your bag.

Calf Compression Sleeve
After an injury pulling a calf muscle, I wear calf compression sleeves. If you are wearing shorts, the calf sleeves are a great match to keep your legs warm. Check out these compression calf sleeves.
JBL Clip Speaker
The JBL Clip speaker is one of the best speakers for the pickleball court. Clip the speaker on the fence and turn up the volume. Pick up a JBL speaker.
SquidGrip Tripod
I have used multiple tripods to record the games. The SquidGrip Tripod is the one I use most. You can easy mount the tripod on the fence where it's not in the way of the game. It's small and compact and easily fits in your bag. Check out the tri-pod.